Center for Anxiety, OCD, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Comprehensive Treatment for Anxiety, OCD, and Related Issues

At the Center for Anxiety, OCD, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, we offer specialized treatments and expertise in a wide range of anxiety-related and co-occurring conditions. Our dedicated team is committed to providing evidence-based CBT interventions combined with compassionate care, helping patients of all ages overcome challenges such as OCD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, Speaking and Performance Anxieties, trichotillomania, PTSD, and more. With a focus on flexibility, we accommodate largely remote services for convenience, alongside optional in-person sessions, ensuring comprehensive support tailored to each individual’s needs.

Our Areas of Expertise:

Generalized Anxiety and Related Disorders

Persistent, excessive worry about various aspects of life that’s hard to control, affecting daily life. Learn how CBT can help manage this pervasive anxiety.

Learn More about Generalized Anxiety Treatment →

Recurrent, unexpected episodes of fear with physical symptoms, plus ongoing fear of future attacks. Discover treatments that can reduce frequency and intensity of panic attacks and fears about having them.

Learn More about Panic Treatment →

Excessive fixation and worry about having or acquiring a serious illness, despite medical reassurance. Find out how therapy focuses on reducing health-related fears.

Learn More about Health Anxiety and Illness Anxiety Treatment →

A drive to be flawless that significantly interferes with daily life and well-being. See how therapy can help balance standards for healthier outcomes.

Chronic delaying of tasks, leading to significant stress, anxiety, and problems in functioning. Therapy can offer strategies for overcoming procrastination by addressing its root causes.

Stress and anxiety can exacerbate or trigger conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraines, and fibromyalgia. Learn about holistic approaches to treatment.

Woman relaxing in a hammock overlooking lush greenery, symbolizing the peace and calm associated with effective anxiety therapy and anxiety relief.

Social Anxiety and Performance Anxieties

Intense fear of social or performance situations due to worries about embarrassment or judgment. Therapy aims to change underlying beliefs and build confidence and coping mechanisms in social settings.

Learn More about Social Anxiety Therapy →

Anxieties about speaking in front of others, impacting personal and professional opportunities. Explore how specialized therapies can make public speaking less daunting.

Learn More about Social and Performance Anxiety Therapy →

Anxiety that creates difficulty urinating in the presence of others. Discover therapeutic approaches for overcoming this challenge.

Learn More about Shy Bladder Syndrome Therapy →

Excessive anxiety and worry before or during exams, hindering performance. Learn strategies to manage anxiety for better test-taking experiences.

Anxieties about underperforming, being judged, or letting others down in sports contexts.Therapy can help enhance focus and enjoyment in sports.

Worry about sexual performance leading to sexual difficulties. Find out how therapy can address these concerns for healthier relationships and more enjoyment.

Supportive hands coming together - overcoming social and performance anxiety together

Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders

Recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). OCD can appear in a wide variety of forms and about a large number of topics. 

Learn More about OCD Treatment →

Preoccupation with one or more perceived defects in physical appearance. Therapy can help reduce fixations or obsessions, improve self-image, and enhance life functioning.

Learn More about BDD Treatment →

Recurrent pulling out of one’s hair, leading to hair loss. Discover how targeted therapies can help gain control over this behavior.

Learn More about Trichotillomania Therapy →

Recurrent picking at one’s skin, causing lesions or wounds. Discover how targeted therapies can help gain control over this behavior.

Learn More about Therapy for Skin Excoriation Disorder →

We offer therapy for cheek-biting and for Onychophagia, a condition where individuals compulsively bite their nails, along with other compulsive physical habits. Similarly to skin excoriation, therapy offers strategies for understanding and managing these habits.

Characterized by involuntary sounds and movements, these conditions can impact daily life. Behavioral interventions like Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) and Habit-Reversal Training (HRT) can significantly reduce tic severity.

Individuals experience intense emotional reactions to specific sounds, impacting well-being. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help to manage reactions and reduce the impact on daily life.

Involves the persistent difficulty discarding possessions and the excessive acquisition of items, leading to cluttered, unmanageable living spaces. Treatment, where motivation is key, focuses on cognitive-behavioral strategies to address emotional attachments to objects, decision-making skills, and reducing the urge to acquire more items, aiming to improve organization and quality of life.

Window view of a serene landscape with tall trees and rolling hills, symbolizing a new perspective in overcoming OCD, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, trichotillomania, and skin excoriation through expert therapy.

Specific Fears and Phobias

More than with many other phobias, fear of vomiting can significantly restrict eating habits, social interactions, and daily functioning. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure techniques help individuals face their fears and reduce anxiety.

Learn More about Treatment for Vomit Phobia (Emetophobia) →

Anxiety about air travel that can limit personal and professional opportunities. Specialized therapy programs use simulation and relaxation strategies to build confidence in flying.

Includes fear of driving or panic attacks while driving, often leading to avoidance. Treatment combines on-the-road exposure exercises with cognitive or ACT strategies to overcome fear.

Excessive fears of certain animals that cause avoidance and distress. Exposure-based interventions often help individuals gradually reduce fear and avoidant behaviors.

An intense fear of being in high places, which can limit activities. Therapy uses gradual exposure to height situations to increase tolerance and reduce anxiety.

Includes phobias of medical-related situations, leading to avoidance of care. Treatment strategies focus on exposure therapy and coping skills to promote mastery over fear.

An extreme fear of dental visits that can delay or prevent dental care. Cognitive-behavioral techniques and gradual exposure to dental settings aim to reduce distress.

Fear of being trapped or unable to escape, such as in elevators or crowded places. Therapy includes exposure to these situations in a controlled manner to build coping skills.

Man stands confidently amidst nature, symbolizing overcoming fears and embracing freedom, ideal for those facing specific phobias.

Childhood-Specific Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders that typically manifest in childhood, affecting daily activities and development. Interventions often involve the family, teaching coping mechanisms to both children and parents.

Characterized by excessive fear or anxiety about separation from home or loved ones. Treatment focuses on building the child’s independence and parents’ skills in managing separation.

A disorder where a child is unable to speak in certain social situations. Therapy involves gradual exposure to speaking situations and strategies to increase confidence and communication.

Common childhood fears that can significantly impact sleep and well-being. Interventions include playful exposure strategies and parental guidance to address fears.

Refusal to attend school due to anxiety, fear, or avoidance. Collaborative approaches between therapists, families, and schools support re-engagement and address underlying anxieties.

Joyful girl in a knitted sweater, arms spread wide, smiling upward as colorful fall leaves fall around her on a lawn.

Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Persistent symptoms following experiencing or witnesses traumatic events, leading to ongoing distress. Our center provides evidence-based treatments such as Prolonged Exposure (PE), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), and trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), designed to help individuals process trauma, challenge distressing trauma-related thoughts, and regain a sense of control over their lives.

Learn More about Treatment for Trauma and PTSD →

Combat and military-related trauma encompasses psychological distress stemming from experiences in war zones or military service. Treatments like PE, CPT, and trauma-focused CBT with trained therapists are highly effective in addressing the  unique experiences of veterans and active-duty members, helping them process these experiences and reduce symptoms of PTSD. 

Learn More about Treatment for Trauma and PTSD →

Childhood trauma and abuse involve adverse experiences that can leave a significant lasting impact on a person’s mental health and development. Evidence-based therapies, including PE, CPT, trauma-focused CBT, and DBT, can support healing by addressing the emotional and psychological effects of such trauma.

Learn More about Treatment for Childhood Trauma and PTSD →

Survivors of sexual abuse and assault often experience profound emotional distress and PTSD. Specialized therapeutic approaches like PE and CPT offer compassionate pathways to recovery, helping individuals regain empowerment and peace.

Learn More about Treatment for Trauma and PTSD →

Physical abuse and assault can leave lasting psychological scars in addition to physical injuries. Therapies like CPT and PE focus on helping survivors work through trauma-related thoughts and feelings, fostering resilience and recovery.

Learn More about Treatment for Trauma and PTSD →

Witnessing violence, death, or trauma can lead to significant psychological distress, including PTSD. Trauma-focused therapies aim to help individuals process these experiences, reduce distress, and improve coping strategies.

Learn More about Treatment for Trauma and PTSD →

Medical trauma arises from frightening medical experiences or severe health diagnoses, leading to anxiety and PTSD symptoms. Tailored therapeutic interventions can assist individuals in managing these reactions and enhancing their coping mechanisms.

Learn More about Treatment for Trauma and PTSD →

Traumatic loss and bereavement refer to the profound grief following sudden or violent loss. Grief counseling and trauma-focused therapies like CPT can offer vital support, helping individuals navigate their grief journey and find a path forward.

Learn More about Treatment for Trauma and PTSD →

Sunrise illuminating mountain peaks, symbolizing the journey of healing and recovery from trauma and PTSD, with greenery and flowers in the foreground.

Mood Disorders and Anxiety-Related Challenges

A pervasive mood disorder characterized by persistent low mood, lack of interest in activities, and other symptoms affecting daily functioning. Personalized CBT, Behavioral Activation, ACT, and other therapeutic strategies can effectively address these symptoms, fostering recovery and well-being.

Bipolar mood disorders involve significant mood swings from highs (mania or hypomania) to lows (depression). Comprehensive treatment, including psychotherapy and family involvement often with medication, aims to stabilize mood swings and improve overall functioning.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression related to changes in seasons, often worsening in the winter months. Light therapy, CBT, and medication can alleviate symptoms, helping individuals enjoy function better across the different seasons of the year.

Effective stress management is crucial for mental and physical health, involving strategies to reduce and cope with stress in healthy ways. Our programs teach practical skills for managing stress, enhancing resilience, and promoting well-being.

Relationship issues often result from anxiety-related issues and can themselves significantly impact mental health, contributing to stress, anxiety, and depression. Interventions like CBT, ACT, and DBT can help find pathways to improving communication, resolving conflicts, and strengthening connections.

Insomnia and other sleep difficulties can severely affect one’s quality of life and mental health. Behavioral sleep medicine techniques, including CBT for insomnia (CBT-I), provide effective, non-medication-based strategies for improving sleep and addressing other challenges (like widely varying sleep-wake routines or nightmares).

Stack of balanced stones by a serene body of water in the soft morning light, symbolizing emotional balance and tranquility in overcoming depression and mood disorders, stress, and sleep difficulties.

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Telephone Consultation

Center for Anxiety, OCD, and 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, LLC

1518 Walnut Street, Suite 800

Philadelphia, PA 19102

New Inquiries: Please use Contact Form

Current Patients: 215-360-3547 

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Our physical office is conveniently located in the Rittenhouse Square area of Philadelphia. The facility is easily accessible to Center City, Graduate Hospital, South Philadelphia, University City, West Philadelphia, Fairmount, Manayunk, Roxborough, East Falls, Chestnut Hill, Northern Liberties, Fishtown/Kensington, as well as the Philadelphia Main Line area (including Wayne, Villanova, Bryn Mawr, Gladwyne, Radnor, Haverford, Ardmore, Wynnewood, Narberth, Merion, Lower Merion Township), and Montgomery, Delaware, Chester, and Camden Counties.